Over ten years ago an all-girls grassroots football seed was sown, that today we know as Mole Valley Girls FC. The club grew and grew every season and along the way our girls formed what is now the Dorking Wanderers FC Ladies team, before another of our teams formed Leatherhead FC Women. We’ve won trophies and plaudits along the way and as the biggest all-girls club in the country’s biggest all-girl league, we hope our girls have made the people of Mole Valley proud.

We now have 15 teams, with more forming. We love our teams, but what we really love is the person inside the player. The daughter who found her voice, the sister who learned to succeed and fail, the future coach who discovered what she could achieve. For us, sport is not just a community activity, it IS community.

Dorking Wanderers FC have approached Mole Valley District Council with an offer to buy the Meadowbank Stadium community facility. There has been no consultation with the wider grassroots community.

Meadowbank Stadium was funded, approved and built on the basis that the stadium would be available to the local community. It opened in 2018 to huge fanfare, as a facility for the whole community. 

Should Dorking Wanderers FC first team get promoted to the next division (it’s their aim), league rules mean they will have to completely rip up the current 3G pitch and replace with a grass (or hybrid grass) one that very few teams will be able to play on. 

The proposed sale of Meadowbank Stadium puts our club at risk. 

Our voices deserve to be heard. We are simply asking to be consulted.
Please sign our petition.